Tapping into the current of
what is possible

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Hi! My name is Allison Houghton, and over last few years, I've immersed myself in the incredible work of people around the world working to regenerate earth's landscapes.

I've been inspired, captivated and moved by the many people around the globe who are making deserts bloom again, coaxing rivers back to life, planting back ancient forests, or supporting the return of migrations of fish, birds and animals. I informally started referring to these people as "Sparrows" for the birds you might hardly notice in a landscape, but are everywhere. Some are single individuals. Others are working together in communities. They might even be your neighbors. They are everywhere, and they are incredible.

Yet I rarely hear these stories in the news or on the street.

I think it's time to change that.

To realize we are not alone. And we are surrounded by Sparrows. The Sparrow Underground, if you will!

Here is just a small glimpse: 31 stories of regeneration happening around the globe, some big, some small.

Can't wait to share these stories with you!